lgdata = { en: { 帮助提示:'💡Main reason for red error occurs during face change lies in the communication between iPhone and Apple Watch, please open the app on both iPhone & Apple Watch, make sure both screens to be active(light on) at the SAME TIME and try again.', 如果更换表盘:'How to change faces?', 管理表盘:' Manage My Faces', 你没有添加表盘:'You have not added watch faces yet, please go to Face Store to add,
If you have added faces already, please pull down to refresh', 你还没有登陆:'You have not logged in yet,If you have already logged in, please try to close the app and reopen it', 你还没有购买表盘:'You have not added watch faces yet', 新建自定义表盘:'Create your own face', 输入表盘名称:'Enter the face name', 该功能目前只提供给平台设计师及SVIP会员:'Current function is only available for designers and SVIP members', 表盘名称已经被占用:'This face name already exists, please choose another', 首次上传等待时间会较长:'It takes longer time to send to watch for the first time', 编辑:'Edit', 你的表盘正在审核:'Your watch face is being reviewed', 表盘列表: 'Watch Face list', 操作:'Apply', 发送到手表:'Send to watch⌚️', 删除:'Delete', 选择操作:'Select', 取消:'Cancel', 没有选择表盘:'No faces were selected', 操作失败:'Operation failed', 操作成功:'Operation succeeded', 修复表盘:'Repair watch face', 返回:'Back', 确定要删除选择的表盘吗:'Are you sure to delete the selected faces', 全选:'Select all', 已经上架商店:'Already on the store', 菜单:' Navigation menu', 管理:'Multiple face manager', 已经删除:'Deleted face', 主页:'Home', 温馨提示:'Tips: The current cash withdrawal time of the system is the first day of each month.', 回收站:'Watch Face Recycle bin', 还原:'Restore', 确定要还原选择的表盘吗:'Are you sure you want to restore the selected Watch Face?', 今日推荐: 'Recommend today', 最新上架:'New Arrival', 热门排行:'Top Ranking', 发布于:'Released on', 正在购买中:'Processing', 添加到我的表盘:'Add to My Faces(⚜️)', 你的余额不足:'Your balance is not enough', 购买成功: 'Succeeded', 购买出错请重试:'Purchase failed, please try again', 价钱:'Price', 版本提示:'Warning', 你的版本不支持:'Your app version does not support, please update now.', 确定要购买:'Determined to buy?', 将从你的帐户扣除:'Will be deducted from your account⚜️', 发表评论:'Comments', 发表成功:'success', 出错:'error', 休息一下再回来:'Take a break and come back', 请输入评论:'Please enter comments', 基本层: 'Basic Layer Picture 313x388 (recommended size)', 基本层A: 'Basic Layer', 组件层:'Component layer', 保存:'Save', 您确定要删除吗:'Are you sure to Delete?', 确认删除:'Confirm to Delete', 将该层功能作为:'Use this layer as', 设置字体:'Set font', 大小:'Size', 选择着色:'Choose color', 保存成功:'Save succeeded', 保存失败:'Save failed', 没有设置任何图层:'No layers were set up', 底层:' Bottom layer', 底:' Bottom', 顶层:' Top layer', 上层:' upper layer', 秒:' Second', 分:' Minute', 时:' Hour', 日期:' Date', 星期:' Week', 字体:' Font', 农历:' Chinese lunar calendar', 月相:' Moon phase', 表盘:' Face', 排列:'Arrangement z', 位置:'Position(x,y|-80~80)', 旋转位置:'Rotating point', 设置转动方式:'Rotation mode', 点击确定发送到手表:'Open our app on Watch, make the watch screen active, Click Confirm to send to watch', 你不是VIP会员:'Current function is only available for SVIP members, click Confirm to upgrade.', 权限提示:'Warning', 自定义使用说明:'Instructions on creating your own faces', 表盘名称:'Face name', 发布到商店:'Publish to the store', 你的表盘正在审核发布到商店:'Your watch face is being reviewed and posted to the store. After re-editing, do you want to re-post the review to confirm the save?', 数字时间:' Digital time', 格式:'Format(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)', 忘记用户ID和密码:'Forgot your user ID or password?', 点击取回:'Click to get back', 登录:'Log In', 点击注册:'Click to sign up', 你还没有帐号:'You still don t have User ID?', 密码:'Password', 用户ID:'UserName(ID)', 用户登陆:'User log in', 用户ID不能为空:'User ID cannot be empty', 密码不能为空:'Password can not be empty', 错误登陆提示:'Please check User ID and password,Number of input errors:', 网络异常:'network anomaly', 常见问题列表: 'Frequently asked questions list', 常用链接:'Commonly used links', 官网:'website', 静静微信:'Jing Jing Wechat', 静静邮箱:'Jing Jing Email', 英文手册:"User's Guide", 中文帮助:'Chinese help', 自定义视频教程:'Custom video tutorial', 自定义使用说明:'Custom instructions for use', 微店: 'Weidian', 淘宝:'Taobao', PayPal:'PayPal', 选择你的充值方式:'Choose your recharge method', 充值码:'Enter the Recharge Code', 充值:'⚜️Recharge', 退出登陆:'Log out', 检查升级:'Check update', 更新日志:'Update log', 使用帮助:'User s Guide', 常见问题:'Frequently Asked Questions', 官网:'Official website', 常用选项:'Common options', 个人资料:'Personal information:', 重新安装:'Reinstall', 升级VIP会员:'Upgrade to SVIP(designer)', 升级VIP会员成功:'SVIP upgrade succeeded', 帐户余额不足:'Your balance is not enough', 返回:'Back', 确定充值:'Recharge', 一月:'1 month(5⚜️)', 六月:'6 months(25⚜️)', 十月:'12 months(48⚜️)', 选择升级会员时间:'Choose upgrade period', 确定升级SVIP:'Make sure to upgrade SVIP', 确定升级SVIP1:'Are you sure to upgrade? Will deduct the corresponding amount from your balance⚜️', 有效期:'SVIP Date Expiry:', 修改用户资料: 'Modify user profile', 请输入正确邮箱地址:'Please enter correct Email address', 昵称:'nickname', 邮箱:'Email', 不输入则不修改密码:'Do not change the password without typing', 新密码:'new password', 重复新密码:'Repeat new password', 验证码:'Verification code', 密码:'password', 确认修改:'Confirm the changes', 密码不能为空:'password can not be blank', 两次新密码输入不一致:'Two new password entries are inconsistent', 验证码错误:'Verification code error', 密码错误:'wrong password', 更新资料成功:'Update data successfully', 网络异常:'network anomaly', 请填写表盘介绍: 'Please fill in the watch face introduction', 提交异常:'Submit an exception', 提交成功:'Submitted successfully, please wait for JingJing to pass the review, your watch face will be released to the store soon', 提示:'prompt', 将你的表盘发布到商店:'Publish your watch to the store and let more people download and earn J coins⚜️,You can get 40% share in total income', 广告图:'Ads pictures(1000 x 800px / 72dpi)Support GIF', 确定:'confirm', 手表截屏:'Watch screen capture', 填写基本信息:'Fill in the basic information', 作者:'Author', 阅读并同意:'Read and agree', 相关条款:'《Related Terms》', 曾经被拒绝申请:'Has been rejected:', 忘记用户ID和密码:'Forgot your User ID or password?', 用户邮箱:'Email address', 相关条款:'Related terms', 注册:'Sign Up', 阅读并同意:'Read and agree', 你还没有帐号:'You still do not have User ID?', 密码:'Password', 用户注册:'User sign up', 用户ID不能为空:'User ID can not be empty', 密码不能为空:'Password can not be empty', 请检查用户名密码:'Please check User ID and password', 再次输入:'Password again', 两次输入密码不正确:'Two passwords do not match', 邮箱不正确:'Incorrect Email address', 请输入正确邮箱地址:'Please enter correct Email address', 用户ID必须为英文和数字:'User ID must be English and numbers', 注册失败或用户名已存在:'Registration failed, username or email already exists', 注册成功:'Sign Up succeeded', 点击确定进入登录:'Click Confirm to Log In', 已有用户ID:'Already have User ID', 返回登陆:'Return to Log In', 邮箱提示:'💡Be sure to fill in and remember CORRECT email address for sign up, this is the ONLY way to find your User ID or Password. ', 网络异常:'network anomaly', 提取金额:'Amount withdrawal', 提取提示:'The amount can be extracted to the User ID, or the amount can be mentioned to paypal or Bank of China.', 选择提款方式:'Choose a withdrawal method', 请输入正确银行名称:'Please enter the correct bank name', 请输入正确银行帐号:'Please enter the correct bank account number', 请输入正确本人姓名:'Please enter the correct name', 用户数据出错请重新登陆:'User data error, please re-login', 点击续费升级:'Update svip', SVIP会员已经到期:'SVIP member has expired', 历史记录:'history record', 提现至少300:'Withdrawal of at least 300¥', 你的帐户没有余额:'Your account has no balance', 请输入昵称:'Please enter a nickname', 设置速度:'Set speed(1 second≈0.002)', 搜索关键字:'search keyword', 动漫:'Anime', 经典:'classic', 汽车:'car', 变异:'variation', 节日:'festival', 星座:'constellation', 免费:'free', 审核后才显示:'You did not purchase the watch face comment will be displayed after review.', 邀请码:'Invitation code', 填写邀请码下载:'Fill in the invitation code to download', 已经注册过的老用户:'Old users who already have User ID and Password', 未注册过的新用户:'New users who do NOT have User ID and Password.', 访问静静官网:'Open JingWatch website', 去商店下载:'Go store to download', 分享到:'share to...', 请使用系统:'Please use the Safari browser on the iPhone to open this page.', 电池:' battery', 已购表盘:'Purchased Face', 退款:'Refund', 正在退款:'Refunding...', 退款成功:'Refund successfully', 退款失败:'Refund failed', 退款失败原因:'Please open JingWatch on your watch and keep the screen lit', 退款帮助:'💡 Tips: After you buy your watch face, if you find dissatisfaction within ten minutes, you can go to: my face ->Manage My Faces -> Purchased face -> Refund(The maximum monthly refund is 15 times.)', 退款次数:'Refund accumulation', 服务器时间:'Server time', 退款数已使用完:'Your 15 refunds have been used up,Will be reset on the 1st of next month', 功能层:'Functional layer(Support GIF)', 功能层A:'Functional layer', 文件超出限制:'The file you uploaded exceeds the limit', 复制分享地址:'Copy share URL', 请升级你的版本:'Upgrade your version', 安装静静表盘:'Install JingWatch', 不成功:'If the installation process is not successful, please remove the app and reinstall,
You can contact Jingjing WeChat during any problems during installation and use:
Email:jin9000@qq.com', 当前密码:'current password', 请按HOME键返回桌面:'Installing, please press HOME to view on the desktop', 信任:'Settings->General
->Device Management Description File
->Trust JingWatch', 手表安装:'Open the Watch app on your IPHONE', 信任APP证书:'Trust APP certificate', 手表安装方法:'Watch installation', 发送提示:'When sending, open JingWatch on the watch, Touch the watch screen with your finger to keep the screen lit,You can also press the watch screen to select test communication.
If you still cant change the watch face according to the above operation, please restart the watch and mobile phone.', 微博:'Weibo', 侵权联系:'All works on this site are from the sharing of netizens and designers. If you find that the author work infringes your rights, please contact Jing.Email:jin9000@qq.com', 备用安装地址:'Alternate installation', 黄金版APP安装:'JingWatch Pro install', 请按HOME键返回桌面:'Pop up the installation dialog and click on the installation.
Installing, please press HOME to view on the desktop', 白名单:'Please set jin9000@qq.com as a whitelist, otherwise you will not receive mail or enter the trash.If you have any problems, please contact jin9000@qq.com', 一小时:'You have sent the password, please try again in an hour. If you have not received the email, please contact Email: jin9000@qq.com', 取回密码成功:'Retrieve the password successfully, please check your inbox, if you have not set a white list, please check the trash', GIF过大:'Your GIF frame number is greater than 600, please reduce and upload again', 表盘总消费:'Face total', SVIP消费:'SVIP total', 余额:'Balance', 新的邮箱已经给占用:'New mail has been occupied', 静静表盘专业版下载:'Installation JingWatch Pro', 标准版下载:'Installation JingWatch', 修复提示:'Tips: Before using the repair tool, please delete the JingWatch that has been installed, otherwise the installation will fail.', 专业版等级:'Professional version installation conditions, user level is at least L2 or more than one year registration time, recharge more than twice', 专业版安装:'JingWatch Pro', 维护:'Hello user level can t satisfy the download, and only the old users who have been recharged are supported to download and install, and the new user registration is temporarily not supported. please wait patiently', 充值提示:'💡 Warm tip: the JingWatch is only an app. Due to the limitation of Apple system, it cannot be added to the system watch face. Please try it before recharging. It is suitable for you to recharge. The watch face needs to be activated for the first installation. Click to open the watch face', 重命名:'rename', 重新获取表盘:'Already purchased', 退款提示:'When refunding, you need to open jingwatch and mobile phone at the same time to successfully refund', 充值确认:"It is recommended to use the free experience first, which is suitable for self recharging. No refund is supported after recharging", 登陆禁止提示:'You have entered more errors. Please try again in an hour', 开启表盘:'Open watch face', 关闭表盘:'Close watch face', 开启长驻:'Open Activate Face', 关闭长驻:'Close Activate Face', 开启始终显示:'Open Always show', 关闭始终显示:'Close Always show', PRO提示:'💡PRO install(Copy to iphone safari open):https://watch.bbqe.com/pro.php', 我的表盘:'My Faces', 更新公告:'Ver Update', 表盘商店:'Face Store', 帮助反馈:'FAQs', 我的设置:'Personal', 常错问题:"90% of users can't replace the watch face when they use it. It's because the JingWatch app isn't opened on the watch and the watch screen is on", 等待手表:'Wait patiently for the watch to download relevant materials, which will take some time', 支付宝:'Alipay', 微信:'WeChat', 附加层:'Additional layer', 复制:'Copy', 私人分享:'Share in private', 自定义字体:'Custom font', 配置:'configure', 角度:'angle', 行宽:'Row width', 字体列表:'Font list', 左滑可删除:'Slide left to delete', 城市名称:'City name', 语言:'language', 天气设置:'Weather settings', 倒计时:'count down', 查看更多:'view more', 动画:'animation', 设计师指南:"JingFace Designer's guide PDF", 交易收益:'JingFace Earned per transaction 15⚜️', 设计模板:'JingFace Design templates Adobe llustrator', 购买:'buy', 只支持中国:'Now only support China express, other countries will soon open', 送SVIP一年:'Give SVIP members one year', 手表更换提示:"If sending to the watch is unsuccessful, you can directly double-tap the watch screen -> select My Watch Faces -> choose the one you want to replace, and you can directly change it on the watch.", 新系统温提示:"In watchOS 9.0 and later versions, due to changes in the heart rate data interface that may increase battery consumption, the display of heart rate data has been temporarily suspended. In watchOS 10.0 and later versions, all watch faces will display a small time in the upper right corner.", 关机重启提示:"If the watch face still cannot be activated after following the above instructions, please try turning off both your phone and watch, then restart them and resend the watch face to your watch.", 方法介绍永远保持表盘:"Open the app, double-tap the watch screen to activate the Activate-On feature and display the watch face like the system watch face. After a specified number of seconds, it will automatically return to the static watch face. It is very easy to use.", 永远保持表盘:"How to always keep the watch face display?", 提示安装app:"To use the watch face, please install JingMotion on both your phone and watch first. Click 'OK' to access the installation and activation tutorial.", 兑换码:"Exchange code", 原创:"original", 卡通:"Cartoon", 创意:"originality", 运动:"motion", 棕色:"brown", 灰色:"grey", 橙色:"orange", 紫色:"purple", 绿色:"green", 粉色:"Pink", 红色:"red", 黄色:"yellow", 白色:"white", 直角:"right angle", 没有数据:"no data", 女人:"woman", 机械:"Mechanics", 颜色:"colour", 简单:"simple", 导航推荐:"recommend", 主题:"theme", 发现:"Discover", 发送表盘不能大于:"The number of watch faces sent is too many, and cannot be greater than", 系统消息:"System message", 刷新:"Refresh", 收藏:"Collection", 耗电测试:"Battery life test report", 反转:"reversal", 免费排行:"free", 付费:"pay", 排行榜:"Hot", 简介:"brief introduction", 上传表盘文件:"Upload watch face file", 系统广告图:"Advertising pictures", 系统表盘名称:"Watch name", 系统表盘提示:"System watch face is Apple's own watch face, which can be added to the watch system. It belongs to Apple's official interface. There is no need to open jingwatch app when using watches (Note: all watches except system watch face need to open jingwatch app for use)", 是否买过:"Purchased", 用户头像:"Personal image", 邮政编码:"zipcode", 提交分成:"From June 1, 2021, the new watch face will be submitted, and the profit will be increased to 40%", 全球配送:"Now it supports global delivery, please fill in the exact express address when you purchase", 付款:"payment", 名字:"Full name", 快递地址:"Express address (accurate to house number)", 电话:"Telephone", 蓝色:"blue", 金色:"golden", 黑色:"black", 银色:"silvery", 以上:"above", 支持手机硬件:"Support for mobile hardware", 苹果所有系列手表:"All Apple watches", 支持手表硬件:"Support watch hardware", 长度:"length", 皮质:"Leather, cowhide", 材料:"Material", 详细参数:"Detailed parameters", 实际情况为准:"The following pictures are automatically generated according to the designer's pattern system, and the purchase is subject to the actual situation", 效果图:"design sketch", 全套购买提示:"Warm tips: non product quality problems, custom pattern goods are not accepted return, please consider clearly before you buy", 统一设计:"The above product patterns are the designer's unified design style, personality and characteristics", 手机保护壳:"Mobile phone case", 真皮手表带一套:"Leather watch with a set", 手表表盘:"Watch face", 整套清单:"Complete list", 帐户充值:"Recharge your account", 超值赠品:"Now buy jingface, you can get super value gifts", 赠送:"Give", 附加层2:'Additional layer2' } }